Cooking Time for a 5 Lbs Beef Roast
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I have been making my roast beef this way forever! It is perfection, IF you heed these basic tips: No other cut of meat will produce a REAL roast beef, but the eye roast!...Every oven is different, so know your ovens well. A three pound roast will cook faster in a new oven than it would in a twenty year old oven...INVEST IN A MEAT THERMOMETER, this is the best thing you can have when roasting a beef...Be mindful that when a roast comes out of the oven it will cook in its own heat and the temp will rise. Not everyone likes a bloody roast. WE DO, and I take mine out at 120, let it stand and it is about 130-135 when time to cut...ANOTHER IMPORTANT TIP: BEFORE COOKING LET YOUR ROAST SIT OUT ON THE COUNTER UNTIL IT REACHES ROOM TEMP. IT WILL MAKE FOR EVEN COOKING. So, their you have it, my advice to all of you bad reviewers. Roasting a beef is not an exact science nor are the cooking times exact...keep trying! This is the best roast beef!
The roast tasted really good, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. However, because the roast is not cooking in any liquid, it was a little tough (though it wasn't too bad). I would recommend adding some water to the bottom of the pan while it is in the oven to make it a little more tender. This roast, however, will not produce any gravy. Also, I would suggest adding some onion to the top while it cooks for a little flavoring. This is a great recipe for anyone who wants a simple pot roast that isn't too much work and doesn't have to cook too long, but if you are wanting a more tender and more flavorful one, i suggest trying a different recipe.
I was making roast beef fot the first time looking for guidance, and this was helpful, but flawed in my opinion. I used the cut suggested, eye of round, which I had to special order from my butcher but it was worth it. It's a nice, fairly inexpensive cut for feeding a crowd, and the simple seasoning used here is perfect. However, the oven temp and cooking time didn't work for me. I started my room-temp 5.5 lb roast at 375 as directed, and because I used a probe thermometer and watched the temp, I found it was cooking faster than I'd anticipated. I quickly lowered the heat to 300, then 200, and still it was done much earlier than I expected, the entire cooking time was under 90 mins. I think 375 at 20 mins/lb would produce a very well done piece of meat, so if that's what you like, go for it. But if you like your meat closer to medium-rare, I agree with the reviewer who said USE A MEAT THERMOMETER. Throw out your timer, watch the temp instead. Take your roast out of the oven when it's 10 degrees cooler than your desired final temp. Let it rest for 20 minutes before cutting it, it will cook that last 10 degrees on the counter while it rests. I'd use a lower oven temp than this recipe calls for, 300 or even 200, cook it slow and low. But the cut and seasonings in this recipe are great. I don't think any liquid is needed, just use a roasting pan with a rack so the meat is raised over the pan.
Helpful hint--Most likely everybody is getting a different temp reading after the same cooking time because of how cold the roast was when you put it in the oven. I always let my roasts sit for 45 minutes on the counter before putting them in the oven. It eliminates guess work, thermometers and hot/cold spots in the roast. Great recipe, by the way!
This is a very good basic guideline for the perfect roast. I agree with reviewer tracycook that the oven temp has lots to do with the final result.Invest in a good meat thermometer and follow it. For those who like gravy, simply add a can of beef broth to the bottom of the pan while cooking.Pan drippings will combine with it and make a delicious gravy.My persoanl preference, I would use twice the garlic powder with the addition of some fresh minced garlic, as well. Thanks for sharing.
I made the All American Roast Beef tonight and thought it gave a fabulous flavor. I used table salt because I didn't have Kosher salt. It was moist and cooked great at 375. Definitely I will make it again!
This was amazing. I seasoned a 3lb beef round top, round roast (Rancher Reserve, the grade is similar to Certified Angus Beef)liberally with the seasonings listed in the recipe. I didn't measure it, I just made sure I coated the entire roast. In addition, I also used dried thyme. Placed it on a racked roast pan and let it sit on the counter for 40-45 mins. I used red potatoes, carrots, and onions & tossed them in olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper, and a sprinkle of dried thyme. Cooked for 60 minutes @ 375 with 15 minutes rest gave us the perfect medium rare. It was divine, tasted like a prime rib that has been roasting all day. It was so moist and tender--I will have to have this once a week!
This was extremely simple and outstanding served with string beans, mashed potatoes and dinner rolls. A wonderful Sunday evening dinner.
This is wonderful and correct way to prepare a beef roast. For everyone who says to add liquid and this isn't the way to cook a roast...I think you need to understand cooking terminology. A pot roast is a tough cut of meat that needs to be browned and then braised in liquid covered and slow cooked. A beef roast is a tender cut of meat that you cook dry in the oven uncovered at a higher heat for a shorter period of time.
my family loved this recipe... even my mother in law and you all know how they can be. It was easy to make, and very flavorful. Will definately make it again.
This recipe is wonderful and a classic way to cook a roast. For those naysayers, please use the correct cut of meat (eye roast) and your cooking thermometer judiciously to monitor it. If you follow the directions and DO NOT add water as many reviewers have done, you will have a fabulous meal. For a little more flavor, I double the spices and add thyme to the rub as it complements roast beef fabulously. Thank you RCP80 for your submission!
The whole family loved this--it was tasty and quick and the timing was perfect--I did season ahead of time so it did marinate for a few hours giving it great flavor. I made an "au jus" sauce to go with it using the drippings from the meat (very little with a lean eye round) a can of low sodium beef broth and a dash of kitchen bouquet
Absolutely delicious. Don't listen to the people who said this comes out dry. It doesn't. They probably cooked it too long. You should use a thermometer, however, to avoid this. I pulled the roast out when the temp read 130, and it eventually climbed to 145, or medium rare. I did double the spices as I like lots of flavor. I will use this recipe again. Thanks so much!
This is a good quick way to make this roast. And just a note. 20 min. per pound is for medium rare. If you like your meat well, it would be 25 min. per pound. The one thing I don't like about this cooking method is that it creates a hard, dry crust on the outside of the meat. I like braising eye round in a dutch oven or baking it at 300 degrees in a little liquid for 30 min. per pound, which creates a more 'falling off the bone' texture. Eye round has no fat, so there are no drippings to baste the roast with while cooking, so having some sort of liquid in the pan while baking creates a moister roast. This 'dry roasting' method is quick, but results are fair and the meat isn't as tender. We made this for French dip sandwiches. I did let the meat sit out at room temp. for 3 hrs. before I baked it to ensure more even cooking. Makes a big difference.
Alright, there are alot of people out their that just don't know how good a eye of round roast could be if they knew how to cook it right! I make a marinade- 1/3 cup tomatoe sauce, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/3 cup water, Seasoning ( I use a gourmet grill seasoning) it has garlic, rosemary, thyme, crushed peppers, etc.) Let marinate for 24-48 hours. I always cook my roast on the grill, 20 min. per pound. I also let my roast sit at room temp. before grilling. Very important, let rest at least 20-30 min. after cooking, all the juices will lock in. I will use this for sliced meat for wraps or any sandwich. It is much cheaper and way more delicious than deli meat. If cooking in oven, sit on a rack, cook on 475 for 12 min. turn down temp. to 325, cook 20 min. per pound. This will lock in all juices. This is one of the meats I cook for Christmas, everyone loves it.
I certainly agree with the reviewer who cautioned that there is a difference between "pot" roast and "roast beef". This is recipe is for roast beef - not pot roast, which is cooked with liquids. Also, one reviewer stated that you won't get the same results with beef purchased at Walmart; the same goes for Winco. You need to purchase a good cut of meat to get the flavor and tenderness you want. I, too invest in Angus beef, or Choice, the latter being available at Costco. Look at the grading on the meat you are buying. I also agree with another reviewer who says to not only use a oven thermometer to test the oven heat, but the reviewer also says to put the thermometer on the oven shelf you are using and set oven temperature accordingly, so that the temperature on that shelf reads 375 degrees on the thermometer. Kudos to these reviewers - right on! Good recipe!
I am amazed at the cooks who want to throw this in a crock pot or add veggies and potatoes to this. This is a Roast Beef, not Pot Roast, or a Crock Pot Roast. 2 totally different foods. This is an excellent recipe for Roast Beef. It should be cooked in the OVEN to ROAST for best possible flavor. In a crock pot your meats get steamed. That's why it falls apart when you take it out. Don't get me wrong. I love my crock pot, but when you want to make Roast Beef you use the oven. Anyway made as written. Give 10 stars if I could. Excellent. I did use beef stock to make a gravy, because Eye of the Round is not usually used for gravy making. Very little fat. I cooked it, cooled it down and refrigerated it so I could slice the next day. YUMMY!
To those who want to add liquid to this recipe, you are not cooking a pot roast here. This is a rare to medium rare roast. Not only can you use the Eye of the round roast, but a Sirloin tip roast works well too. You can also do a standing rib roast in a similar manner. This is the type of roast to cook and slice up for sandwiches, or as listed with mashed potatoes and gravy. This is a great basic recipe. For a pot roast it will take a totally different cut and cook at lower temperatures with liquid for 4-5 hours.
Excellent roast! I had read in earlier reviews to add a little bit of liquid or put the roast on a rack. I did add a bit of beef broth and since I did not have a rack that would fit in the pan i was roasting in, I made one with onion slices. It worked wonderfully. My cooking time was a bit longer (even for medium rare) but I think that may be due to the fact I used the wrong kind of pan (a high edged casserole dish). Thanks again for the great recipe.
Made this as directed with a six pound eye round. Cooked at 375 F as directed until internal temperature reached 125 F, about 1 hour, 50 minutes. Removed and covered loosely with aluminum foil while I baked the bread for 25 minutes. Internal temperature reached 145 F. by the time I carved it, about 35 minutes after removing from the oven. It was tender, juicy, and flavorful. I was skeptical about using eye round because I have found it to be rather tough. This was better than expected and my dinner guests and I loved it. Served with mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, homemade baguettes and gravy.
I stuffed our roast with a lot of sliced garlic by sticking a knife into the roast on top, bottom and sides, and pushing the garlic into the roast as I went along. I did the standard rock salt & cracked pepper rub. We cooked the roast as others advised, using a thickly sliced onion (into 3 slices) as a rack, and a can of beef broth, at 20 minutes per pound at 375 degrees. I put some smallish potatoes in with the roast, too. About 20 minutes before the roast was to be done, I added sliced mushrooms & some cut carrots, too. When done,I set aside the roast to rest, removed the veggies, and made the most delicious gravy! Next, (drumroll, please!) my husband sliced into the roast . . . and it was PERFECT! The best ever, to be exact! We definitely will always cook our beef roasts at 20 minutes per pound at 375 degrees, forevermore! Thank you to all who left the tips - I couldn't find my rack OR my meat thermometer, so this was EXACTLY the recipe I needed. We made this last night, and enjoyed leftovers as sourdough sandwiches with horseradish, with sliced tomatoes, fresh carrots and grapes for lunch today. Absolutely excellent!
Cheers to Cindy, because simplicity is the key and knowing your oven is crucial. I agree with the others that the seasoning is perfect . It may not seem like alot, but a little goes a long way. I used a 3 1/2 lbs. top round london broil, and roasted it at 375, and added an additional 10 minutes for the half pound, and i took it out and the meat read 140 which is way too hot for medium rare, because once the roast rests for about 20 minutes the meat will continue to cook and finish off at 150 to 155 which would make it well. So, i immediately removed the roast and put it on a plate and placed it in the fridge for a half hour, and this worked in halting the cooking process. As a result, my roast beef was medium to medium well, which means it was a light pink. Still very flavorful with the seasonings and tender, but not perfectly red medium rare. The lesson here for me was that my gas oven cooks hotter and it's important to cook this roast on the bottom shelf; mine was on the middle rack, and next time, i'll remove the roast when the meat thermometer reads 120, which when done finishing outside the oven, will be about 135-140. Again, thanks to cindy for coming up with a very simple and delicious recipe.
Very good - the roast was moist and the seasonings were just right. The only problem I had was that the roast was very rare using the timeline given so I will probably try 30 minutes per pound next time because we prefer our roast medium. I will definitely use this recipe again.
I have found that top sirloin roast is a much more tender cut of meat for this recipe.
I had two 2.35 lb. roasts, which I tied, brushed with browning sauce and seasoned with the salt, pepper and garlic powder. I roasted them both on the same rack on a rimmed baking pan. They took approx. 70 minutes to roast in the 375 oven (I took them out to rest when my meat thermometer read 130), reaching a perfect medium-rare temperature. Totally juicy,tender, and flavorful, I wouldn't have believed a cheap cut of meat like this could produce such great results. I will roast my eye of the round roasts using this method from now on. Thanks!
Keep in mind that there is a difference between pot roast and roast beef. This roast beef recipe is very good.
Quite delicious! The only thing I did differently was to sear the meat before roasting. I heated oil in a deep pan and let the meat sit for a few minutes until it was completely sealed. Made for a tender and delicious roast.
A good roast beef should not require "stewing" in liquid. This is a fail safe recipe if, as others have suggested, you ensure that your oven temp is right and you use a good meat thermometer. As someone else has suggested, a roast cooked starting at room temp will not only ensure even cooking, but will produce a nice tender roast. Letting it rest for 20 or 25 minutes will also ensure that the juice is evenly distributed, which only adds to the tenderness. Thinly slicing also helps. I've been using this cut of beef for years with great success if you are careful to follow these basic steps and don't cut corners. The only embellishments I would add to this recipe is to add your seasonings to about 3/4 cup of flour and lightly dredge the roast before putting it in the oven. Gives it a nice light, flavorful crust.
Delicious! It was my first attempt at making roast beef at home. This came out as a perfect medium rare roast with the most delicious flavor.
I used a probe meat thermometer with an alarm and set it for 145 degrees. Next time I will set it for 130 degrees because the meat went from medium rare to medium while resting. I added dried thyme to the rub and it was very tasty. I added water to the pan drippings and poured them into the remaining sliced beef. I think I'll make beef pot pies with the leftovers.
The time and temperature of this recipe worked perfect. Here's a lil tip for those of you having problems with the cooking time. Invest in a stand alone oven thermometer, preheat your oven with the thermometer exactly where you will be placing your roast, if it does not say 375, than adjust your temperature accordingly. When I did this I had to lower the temperature to 300 degrees in order to maintain the 375. Every oven is different so dont trust that because you set it for 375 necessarily means it is actually 375 in the area of the oven you are cooking in. Heat rises, even in your oven, so the higher your rack is, the hotter the temperature you are cooking in. This recipe was top notch! Best roast I have ever made.
I put the roast in a ziploc bag and poured in enough red wine to cover it, put it back in the fridge and let it sit all day. An hour before putting it into the oven, I took the bag out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter to bring the meat closer to room temperature. I took the meat out of the bag and rubbed the garlic, salt, and pepper on the fat only and put it fat side up in the roasting pan. Then I added a can of beef broth (the Campbell's double strength) and half a can of water to the roaster before sticking it in the oven. I roasted it at 375 for about an hour and 10 minutes, and when I took it out of the oven, it was registering 120-125 degrees on the meat thermometer. I let it sit for 15-20 minutes before slicing. It was so juicy and cooked perfectly. I don't think I'll use another recipe for roast beef ever again.
I am sure this is a five star recipe because this is how i make mine, however new cooks PLEASE TAKE NOTE, not all brands of beef are the same! i ONLY use angus beef, if you are buying a cut at walmart you will be disapointed. spend the little extra and buy a better brand of beef. also the more rare the temp the more tender it will be. certain cuts to not take well to well done. as another reviewer said use a thermometer
After 90 minutes @ 375, my 2.8 pound roast has an internal temperature of 120 degrees F. Oven and temperature probe are both calibrated and accurate. Thanks a lot.
If there were 10 stars to rate this recipe, it would get a 10 from me! I've always disliked the traditional roasts... until now. This was cooked to perfection (my version - just a bit pink inside and juice runs when you cut it). I served with mashed potatoes/gravy and brussels sprouts. Will definitely make again. The spices were awesome... I just sprinkled on garlic powder and salt and ground fresh black pepper and rubbed it around. Splendid! THANK YOU Cindy! Definitely a keeper :D
I added a cup of water to the bottom and some kitchen bouquet and this made a very moist beef and great gravy. Thanks for the recipe. Lisa
A very good basic recipe. In fact I never change a thing except I sometimes add carrots, potatoes and onions to have a complete meal. Thanks.
I must say this was delicious. I also followed the time and temp. as directed and added a small amount of water as recommended by others. The result was perfectly tender Roast Beef. The only adjustment I made was to allow the meat to sit out on the counter to become closer to room temp. for even cooking. Also, I inserted sliced garlic into the roast in various places and that just added to the great flavor! Definately a keeper. Thanks!
Bravo!!!!!! I was about to give up trying to cook beef until today!! I decided to try a Roast Beef recipe I found on All Recipes. Before seasoning the roast I rubbed it with a light coat of Smart Choice oil, and a coursely grained steak seasoning. I used the onion slices for the rack according to the recipe. For the liquid I used approx.2 cups of water, and 1/2 cup of cooking sherry for for flavor. I had plenty of liquid for the Au Jus. Because my family likes beef well done I decreased the oven setting a bit (325)and increased the cooking time to 2 hours. The roast came out heavenly!! Thanks to the wonderful cooks at All Recipes. Again I say Bravo!!
The temperature and timing on this recipe is perfect--this roast beef is meant to be rare and this recipe does a bang up job!
Thank you so much for this recipe. I have served it several times now and it has been a hit amoung my family of six. The cooking time and temp are key. I coat ours like yours except I use fresh garlic, worcestershire, and a little brown sugar. The combination is a great taste and the sugar provides excellent caramelisation. We have it as the main dish the first night and the next night french dip sandwiches.
Tried it as is -- turned out great. Kept an eye on the thermometer --we like it rare, so we did about 45 minutes. Didn't need to add any water to the pan -- it came out nice and juicy -- we made a gravy from the drippings.
OK...the cut of meat you use can make this recipe a winner or an utter disaster!!!I made this recipe using 2 different cuts of beef, a top round roast that was tied into a neat little bundle and a ranch cut top round roast. I used a little beef stock in the pan for both roasts. The bundled top roast was like a brick of cardboard!!!! However, the ranch cut roast was the most delicious piece of juicy goodness I have ever had the pleasure of devouring!!!! Served it with horseradish sauce.....OH MY GOODNESS!!!! So, I will definately use this recipe for as long as I have teeth to chew with....using the right cut of meat, of course!!!
Very good seasonings....and tasty. I really liked the way that this turned out, but the only complaint is that it turned out dry. I tried this again...adding a cup of water to the bottom of the pan and made a gravy out of it. I thank you for the recipe.
It came out great. I rubbed the roast with salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary and a little cayenne pepper. About 30 minutes before it was done I added thick sliced red potatoes tossed with olive oil, garlic powder, black pepper, salt and rosemary and put them around the roast. While the roast was resting the potatoes finished cooking. I'll definitely be making it this way again!
Very pleased with my results! Purchases 5lb,tied eye of round beef roast. After reading many reviews, I coated the entire roast with a seasoned rub -purchased at local grocery. I let the roast sit with rub on for 20 minutes then placed it on a rack (in roaster) in a pre-heated 375 degree oven. Cooked it to 120 degrees international temp and let it sit to rest after roasting. It was PERFECT! Beautiful pink center with more doneness to edges. I would go a little less on the rub Next time. Very, very good! Not dry. Not tough as other comments suggest.
I thought this was so easy and really good. I tend to like my roasts really rare and if so then I would suggest 15 minutes per pound instead of 20 minutes.
This is fantastic. I have never cooked a jucier roast. Despite some reviews I had read, I followed the directions exactly. Ending with a 15 minute tent is what is key. So very lovely. Glad I know how to cook a roast properly now!
Enjoyed it had made it for our 4tth of july barbecue. I didn't tie it because i didn't have the string. I added some water for moister. The family absolutely loved it.
I had tried this recipe twice. Both times I kept it in the oven for the recommended 20 minutes oer pound, turned the oven off and had to remove the roast because it was heating up too much too quickly - I literally roasted a 2.5lb eye round from countertop (room temp!) to dinner table in and hour and 20 minutes. With that being said, I remove it from the oven at 120 and both times it was still way too far into the medium-medium well category. DO NOT OVERESTIMATE THE TEMPERATURE. You want to take this out when the temp will not rise much more as it sits on the counter BUT you also want it to sit long enough to redistribute the juices. Also, I learned that I like rosemary, onion powder, granulated garlic, salt and pepper in a fairly large quantity compared to what is suggested. My
This recipe saved my day! I promised a focus group that I would feed them a real meal in exchange for their time, but to my horror the recipe that I was using would have taken five hours, and I only had two. My only addition was basting lightly with a little sour cream and garlic, and it was the most beautiful beef I've ever made. Red in the center, brown crusty outside, garnered awe and wonder when I took the tinfoil off.
This Roast slices like deli roast, it does NOT shred into long tough strands. I cooked it till the meat thermometer read 160 degrees Fahrenheit , so it would reach 170 for well done after it rested. The only other thing I did differently was use garlic pepper in place of the pepper. The best roast for slicing I have ever made. Just Wonderful!!! Thanks for posting!!
This is absolutely the best roast beef I have ever tasted - I've made it twice in the past 2 weeks. With the exception of using an eye roast, I used a bottom round both times and followed the recipe exactly. Perfecto!!!!!!!
This is the method my grandmother and mother taught me. It never fails. I'm making a 6 lb eye of round for Sunday dinner tomorrow. I like to roast new potatoes and baby carrots with the meat. Produces fantastic flavor and texture without adding any water!
Very good! I cooked it exactly as written and it came out a perfect medium rare! Thanks for the recipe :)
Perfect. We like some red in the middle, so I cut cooking time by about 10 minutes. Other than preferred cooking time, don't change a thing.
Good recipe. I used this recipe for the cooking time & the type of beef to buy. The cooking time is right on the money. Instead of using the recipe's rub I just used a package of onion soup & then added a cup of water. The roast came out medium/medium rare & tender. I did use the rub the recipe calls for once before & it was tasty...however I didn't add water & it was a little tough. All in all a good recipe as long as you add some water.
This is EXACTLY what I came to allrecipes looking for. I'm not cooking roast beef often and forget the basic temp/timing info. Note to self: Take the roast out of fridge to come to room temp before putting in oven.
I've used this recipe several times and with different cuts of beef. It always turns out excellent. In addition to the listed ingredients, I also insert fresh garlic into the roast. I also lay the roast on a bed of onions and drizzle it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and red wine. Part way through the cooking I add mushrooms, more onions and some peppers around the roast. It is so yummy!
I followed someone's advice-took out meat when internal temp 120F, then covered with aluminum foile. sliced thin with slicing machine when cooled. perfectly cooked, just as we like, pink and rare inside!!
I made this last Sunday with an eye round roast, and it was awsome! It had a wonderful taste, and it wasn't dry, although eye roast is a good cut. It smelled good as it was roasting, and my kitchen windows were open, and I hope all of my neighbors were drooling!! From the drippings I made a gravy and served it with mashed potatoes, seasoned carrots and cole slaw. Truly a wonderful meal. Will be making this again!
This is a wonderful "classic" roast beef recipe. I think those who don't like this method are wanting more of a pot roast, not Roast Beef. I don't think anyone would cook a standing rib roast in water. This is similar. I wouldn't think it would be good if it is cooked well done either. I found it to be a great recipe.
This is a very good roast beef recipe. I use it all the time. It has become one of our regular meals. My kids and my husband just love it!
I prepared this using a 2lb tri-tip as an alternative to grilling the tri-tip over indirect heat. I seasoned the tri-tip per the recipe - 1/2tsp kosher salt, 1/2tsp garlic powder, 1/4+ tsp fresh ground pepper, and added a 1/3 cup beef stock in the roasting pan. I browned the seasoned tri-tip in the roasting pan over high heat, then added the beef stock before putting it in the oven uncovered. I must say that this formula of seasoning is perfect...not too salty as they have a tendency to be. Also, the suggested cooking temp/time formula was dead-on for a perfectly done tri-tip. Grilling a tri-tip is still fun, and traditional, but this is a great alternative which I'll use again.
A permanent entry in my recipe box, this roast cooks up perfectly every time I make it. Nice and perfectly rare. I even add extra pepper to the outside and then slice the leftovers for tasty sandwiches later!
This is, by far, the simplest and best way to do a nice cut of roast. I tried boiling as some suggested and it does not compare! It is imperative to use the cut as suggested to acheive the wonderful flavor of this recipe. YUM!!!!!
This turned out wonderfully. I am giving it only four stars because the instructions should state that the use of a digital thermometer is very important so that you don't over or undercook the meat. I used mine and took it out of the oven at 140F. I let it rest for about 20 minutes before cutting and it had risen to 150F, turning it to a perfect medium rare. Excellent recipe!
It was a very easy and tasty roast, but a little rare for some of the tastes at my party. I loved it nice and red, but if you like your roast a little more done add a bit in cooking time. Was a great hit, nevertheless!
No matter the cut of the meat to be roasted, I always sear it on all sides in a hot oiled skillet. I like the addition of a bay leaf or two. As with others, I add LOTS of potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms toward the end of the cook time. Delicious!!
Awesome! I've never made a roast beef before and it could not have turned out more perfect. I followed the recipe, but didn't use garlic and added 1c. water to pan and 1/2 sliced onion on top. Delicious! My husband raved about it all night!
Follow the way Tracycook makes the roast and never add any liquid to the pan as it will result in a tough mess.
This is it. Your basic, simple, fool-proof Sunday roast. I think the bad reviews are from people who were expecting POT roast instead of a rosy, thinly-sliced, roast beef. Although the directions are simplistic, they are important. The cut matters, the time matters, the temp matters, the resting matters. Too much beef for you? No problem because it's excellent the day after for sandwiches.
I usually don't measure seasonings on a roast, but I did this time, and it had the perfect flavor. Cooking time was right on! Thank You !
We followed instructions to the T except that we changed the cooking time to 22 minutes per pound because we prefer our beef medium/well. Delicious!
My roast was 2 1/2 lbs so I wasn't sure if this would turn out but I followed the directions exactly and got a perfectly cooked medium rare roast after cooking for 50 minutes. And the gravy I was able to make from the wonderful meat juices was so very good, I didn't want to stop eating.
This really is a foolproof recipe...even the most novice cook can't mess this up. I was a little concerned about using the kosher salt before roasting the meat as salt tends to dry meat out. I used it anyway and followed the recipe almost exactly...I did add some oregano and basil. The result was a tender, juicy, perfectly cooked roast. I'll be using this one time and time again and would recommend it to all to try!
Thank goodness for this recipe - I accidently threw out the instructions for the beef roast that I bought for a dinner party for nine, but these instructions worked well! Perfect medium rare - I left the beef in a little longer than the recipe stated, as I had 3 pieces of meat in one pan (each about 2 pounds) so figured it would need longer. Thanks!
I've used this recipe a few times but usually change up seasoning every time. Comes out great though I do coat the roast in olive oil and marinate it for a few hours before I throw it in the oven.
It was very good and very easy. I added a lot more spices and a jar of onion gravy. Covering it after it was taken out of the oven is really important. Don't skip this step :-). My family loved it.
Delish. I used minced garlic. Will definitely make it again.
Excellent results. I have seared my roast 1st and also just put it in the hot oven. Either way it works very well. I mix the salt, pepper and garlic powder and then rub the roast. I have also crushed a clove of garlic and rubbed the roast b4 adding the salt and pepper.
I fixed an eye-of-the-round (2 lbs) last night and was disappointed. Roasted the beef about 45-50 minutes at 375. The instructions said 20 min/lb=40 minutes and yet it was still a bit rarer than medium rare--red with bloody juices. Also, the beef was tough even though I sliced it thinly with an electric knife. I used a cooking thermometer but it didn't register properly. I also tried an instant meat thermometer after I took the beef out of the oven and I couldn't get an accurate reading. I almost always have bad luck with thermometers and I am greatful for the pop-up on turkeys!!
I made this yesterday and it came out fantastic. However, the 20 min/LB @375 was incorrect for me and would have probably been terrible. I had an 8 Lb eye roast and it was well done at 2 hours when I checked it. I probably could have pulled it out at an hour and 40 minutes or so. So like the others say, use a meat thermometer and don't go with the time alotted. Great Roast though and I will make it many more times!
This Roast came out perfect. I used Angus eye of round.
I'm not a great meat-maker and I had high hopes for this roast. Used the eye of round roast and all seasonings but found the meat to be a bit tough. Good flavor and used remainder for beef sandwiches, but not as tender as I had hoped. Any suggestions?
Superb. It's now a family favorite. Simple, yet delicious and no fuss to boot!
Delicious. I love roast beef. I don't add any liquid to the bottom of the roasting pan, basically you're steaming instead of roasting then... and you don't get the lovely bits of caramelized meat juices to creat the perfect gravy from. Throw some peeled par-boiled potatoes in around the roast if it doesn't crowd the pan too much. Heaven!
FOR dryness issues try adding 1cup of beef broth to the pan prior to cooking ..i do a variation on this where i sear all sides and cover with foil for entire cook time and use 1 cup beef broth and i never have problems with dry meat resting is key though you must let it rest
enjoyed this roast, but next time will add more salt and will increase cooking time to 25 min. per pound as I like a medium done roast, not a medium rare.Will make again.
Seasonings were so good. I have a hard time getting an eye of round roast done (we like medium well) but without drying out. I think next time I will go at 325 degrees for longer with water in the bottom of the roasting pan. Love slicing this up for sandwiches!
Easy to do and tastes great!
I was looking for a recipe for a pot roast in the oven instead of the crock pot, because I had never done it that way before and was tired of the crock pot versions. This turned out great! I read the reviews and was worried about dryness so I put 1/2 cup of water in the bottom of the pan. I also put 1/2 bag of baby carrots in with the raw meat before cooking. I inserted slivered cloves of garlic into the roast. Both the meat and carrots turned out tender and flavorful. The meat wasn't dry. I cooked it to well-done also. Served with the carrots, mashed potatoes, asparagus, green salad and gravy that I made from the drippings. Good, down-home cookin', I tell ya!
This was a very good, very simple recipe. Note, however, if you are making a smaller roast, a meat thermometer is critical. I did the recommended time of 20 minutes per pound, and my (1.75) roast did not even register on the thermometer. It took about 45 minutes, plus the 15 minutes resting to be the perfect rare (but not raw). Overall, simple, but very juicy and flavorful.
I altered the cooking method, but used the seasonings in this recipe. The roast was delicious and completely tender. I cooked the roast at 450 for 15 minutes, then I reduced the heat to 350. After 30 minutes cooking, I sliced up an onion and added it to the roasting pan. I removed the roast once the temperature hit 130 and let it rest under aluminum foil for 15 minutes. My family loved dinner tonight. Since I made a 3 lb roast we will be eating the other half tomorrow and my husband and boys can't wait. Thank you for sharing!
I made this last night for dinner and it was awesome. I've never been too successful cooking a roast beef for slicing until this recipe. Please use a meat therm instead of the standard 20 min/lb - my roast cooked much quicker. I pulled it out at 120 and I let it sit about 30 min before slicing. Perfectly pink throughout. No red. Thank you for posting
This is really good. I roasted it in my pampered chef rectangle baker. I used carrots as a meat rack. Also rubbed it with pressed fresh garlic combined with salt pepper and evoo. They key is letting it come up to room temp before roasting. I also added some water to the bottom of the pan and used the juices to make pan gravy. Great with a little horseradish too. YUMM-O!
It would be interesting to know which reviewers used electric vs. gas ovens. Combustion of gas produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, which might contribute to a moister roast. A separate pan of water in the oven might mimic this. Starting with a room temp roast, preheated oven and meat thermometer are essential.
Although I do a lot of cooking, i've never made a roast beef because i'm always afraid it'll be dry. Because this recipe got so many good ratings I thought I'd give it a try. I searched for an EXACTLY 3 lb roast which I found. I followed the recipe exactly except at the end I chickened out and cooked it an extra 15 mins. What did I get? A bloody way-to-rare roast. I don't know why. The oven was EXACTLY at 375. The good thing was it was NOT dry and/or overcooked. I flash fried it that night and it was okay. A couple of days later I fried up the leftovers and they were good on sandwiches. The other comment I have is that, despite following the recipe exactly, I felt it was a bit bland... maybe some fresh garlic and some other spices in the rub would have been appropriate? If I could give the recipe 3.5 stars I would, but since I can't I'll give it 4.
I have used this recipe twice once with the recomened roast and once with a rump roast both came out wonderful two diffrent dinner crowds and both raved,So easy. I will use it again and again!!!! Thank you.
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